
Thursday, 6 January 2011

Hiragana: Lesson 24 - ‘ね’ [ne]

‘ね’ is romanized 'ne'. And pronounced like ‘ney’ and/or ‘neighbor’.

Words with ‘ね’:
’’ね’ at the beginning:

  • 眠る / むる (nemuru -> sleep)
  • 眠い / むい (nemui -> sleepy)
  • 猫 / こ (neko -> cat)
  • 熱 / つ (netsu -> fever) 
  • ぎ (negi -> green onion)
  • ずみ (nezumi -> mouse)
  • 妬ましい / たましい (netamashii -> jealous; envious)
  • 値段 / だん (nedan -> price)
  • 願う / がう (negau -> hope; wish; desire; request)
  • 年 / ん (nen -> year)

‘ね’ in the middle:

  • 微熱 / びつ (binetsu -> slight fever)
  • 中年 / ちゅん (chunen -> middle-aged)
  • 跳ねる / はる (haneru -> to bounce; jump; hop)
  • 居眠り / いむり (inemuri -> snooze; doze)
  • 金持ち / かもち (kanemochi -> (rich; rich man; affluent)
  • 記念 / きん (kinen -> memorial; commemoration)
  • 残念 / ざんん (zannen -> shame; regret; disappointment; bad luck)
  • 少年 / しょうん (shounen -> boy)
  • 半円 / はんん (hannen -> semicircle)

‘ね’ at the end:

  • 胸 / む (mune -> chest)
  • 骨 / ほ (hone -> bone)
  • 姉 / あ (ane -> older sister)
  • 船 / ふ (fune -> ship; boat)
  • めが (megane -> glasses)
  • 羽 / は (hane -> feather)
  • 跳ね / は (hane -> splashes)
  • 半値 / はん (hanne -> half price)
  • 針金 / はりが (harigane -> wire)

’ね’ as a Gobi 
Gobi (語尾) litteraly means ‘Language Tail’ and it simply refers to anything that comes at the end of a sentence or a word. ね is one of the two most commonly used language tail beside よ.
People usually add ね to the end of their sentence when they are looking for or expecting agreement to what they are saying. This is equivalent to say, “Right?” or “Isn’t it?”


  • あなたは賢いよね / あなたはかしこいよね (Anata wa kashikoi yo ne -> You’re pretty smart, aren’t you?)
  • あの少女はかわいいですね / あのしょうじょはかわいいですね (Ano shoujo wa kawaii desu ne -> That little girl is cute, isn’t she?)

Stroke order:
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Note: You may mistake ぬ with ね at times since they look quite similar. Just imagine you see the character 'え' in 'ね'. And 'U' in 'ぬ'.

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When you come to one of these letters and you are stuck how the are supposed to be read or write. Remember these to take you off the trouble :-D

Task: You shall write ‘ね’ 50 - 100 times in your textbook. And remember! Memorize the shape, the stroke order, the sound, the pronunciation (echo the sound of the character each time you write it down), etc.
And after you are done with that, write ‘な’, ‘に’, ‘ぬ’, and ‘ね’ one after each repetitively (な, に, ぬ, ね, etc.) 50 times (100 if you have time).


Kaoko: Having finished with our lesson, we have a special guest for today!
And her name is...
Sumiregowa Nenenenenene!!

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Nenene: あたしは ねねね. 菫川ねねね! It’s only three nes!

Kaoko: G-gomen Posted Image... Sensei is a famous writer. For Nenene, her writing is everything. She began her career as a child prodigy, making her literary debut at the age of 13 and winning a prize as Japan's most promising young writer. Nenene's works sell extremely well, both in Japan and abroad, at least as long as she can keep writing them. When she is in the writing groove, Nenene works fast and intensely...

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Nenene: Mou, Kairu.

*Walks away*

Kaoko: Posted Image! Matte, Nenene-sensei Posted Image!

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