
Friday, 7 January 2011

Hiragana: Lesson 27 - ‘ひ’ [hi], ‘び’ [bi] & ‘ぴ’ [pi]

Posted ImagePronunciation:
‘ひ’ is romanized ‘hi’.

Words with ‘ひ’:
‘ひ’ at the beginning:

  • 日 /  (hi -> day, sunshine)
  • 火 /  (hi -> fire)
  • 非 /  (hi -> fault)
  • 比 /  (hi -> fraction, ratio)
  • 光 / かり (hikari -> light)
  • 左 / だり (hidari -> left)
  • 向日葵 / まわり(himawari -> sunflower)
  • 人 / と (hito -> person)
  • 一人 / とり (hitori -> alone)
  • 姫 / め (hime -> princess)
  • 飛行機 / こうき (hikouki -> airplane)
  • 広い / ろい (hiroi -> wide; spacious; vast)
  • 低い / くい (hikui -> low; short; humble)
  • 秘密 / みつ (himitsu -> secret)

‘ひ’ in the middle:

  • お昼 / おる (ohiru -> noon)
  • 製品 / せいん (seihin -> products; manufactured goods; finished goods)
  • 正比例 / せいれい (seihirei -> direct proportion; direct ratio)
  • 部品 / ふん (fuhin -> parts; accessories)
  • 係りの人 / かかりのと (kakari no hito -> person in charge)

‘ひ’ at the end:

  • 生活費 / せいかつ (sekatsuhi -> living expenses)
  •  (zehi -> certainly; without fail)
  • 回避 / かい (kaihi -> avoidance; evasion)
  • 学費 / がく (gakuhi -> tuition; school expenses)
  • ~費 / ~ (~hi -> ~ expense; ~ cost)
  • 成否 / せい (seihi -> success)

Stroke order:

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The character ‘ひ’ may also be combined with a dakuten, changing it into ‘び’ in hiragana, and ‘ba’ in Hepburn romanization. With the dakuten added the pronunciation is changed, to ‘ba’. ひ + " (dakuten) = び (look below)

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‘び’ is romanized (pronounced) ‘bi’ as in ‘bin’.

Words with ‘び’:
‘び’ at the beginning:

  • 美人 / じん (bijin -> beautiful person (woman))
  • 美術館 / じゅつかん (bijutsukan -> museum)
  • っくり (bikkuri -> surprise)
  • くびく (bikubiku -> scared; anxious)
  • 微熱 / ねつ (binestu -> slight fever)
  • 美術 / じゅつ (bijutsu -> arts)

‘び’ in the middle:

  • 郵便局 / ゆうんきょく (yuubinkyoku -> post office)
  • 航空便 / こうくうん (koukubin -> airmail)
  • 船便 / ふなん (funabin -> surface mail)
  • 浴びる / ある (abiru -> take a bath)
  • 指輪 / ゆわ (yubiwa -> ring)
  • 寂しい / さしい (sabishii -> lonely; solitary)
  • 土瓶 / どん (dobin -> earthenware teapot)
  • 旅人 / たと (tabibito -> traveller)

‘び’ at the end:

  • 旅 / た (tabi -> travel; journey; trip)
  • 首 / く (kubi -> neck)
  • お詫び / おわ (owabi -> apology)
  • 誕生日 / たんじょう (tanjoubi -> birthday)
  • 日曜日 / にちよう (nichiyoubi -> sunday)
  • ~日 / ~ (~bi - ~day)
  • 準備 / じゅん (junbi -> preparation; preserve)

The hiragana ひ can also be combined with a handakuten (as mentioned in the previous lesson). Handakuten is a small circle that can be placed at the right top of some certain characters (ha, hi, hu, he, ho). And changing the sounds to‘pi’when placed. ひ [hi] + o (handakuten) = ぴ [pi]

‘ぴ’ is romanized (pronounced) ‘pi’ as in ‘pill’.

Words with ‘ぴ’:
‘ぴ’ at the beginning:

  • かぴか (pika pika -> sparkle; flicker; twinkle)
  • くぴくする (pikupiku suru -> wiggle; waddle)
  • りぴり (piripiri -> tingle)
  • ったり (pittari -> right; exactly; neatly)
  • よぴよ (piyopiyo -> squeak)
  • かっと (pikatto -> flashing)

‘ぴ’ in the middle:

  • 物品 / ぶっん (buppin -> articles; goods)
  • 別嬪 / べっん (beppin -> beautiful woman; pretty girl)
  • 鉛筆 / えんつ (enpitsu -> pencil)

‘ぴ’ at the end

  • 便秘 / べん (benpi -> constipation)

I am sure you remember yo-on from before. If not, please review Hiragana lesson 7. Hiragana 'ひ' can also be combined with it.

The yoon’s for 'ひ' are:

  1. ひゃ/hya Ex. 百 / ひゃく (hyaku -> a hundred)
  2. ひゅ/hyu Ex. ひゅうが (Hyuuga -> Japanese Family’s name)
  3. ひょ/hyo Ex. 表情 / ひょうじょう (hyoujyou ->  facial expression)
It can also be added in their dakuten or/and handakuten version:
Yoon’s for び:

  1. びゃ/bya Ex. 三百 / さんびゃく (sanbyaku -> 300)
  2. びゅ/byu Ex. 謬論 / びゅうろん (byuuron -> fallacy; mistaken opinion)
  3. びょ/byo Ex. 病院 / びょういん (byouin -> hospital)
Yoon’s for ぴ:
  1. ぴゃ/pya Ex. 八百 / はっぴゃく (happyaku -> 800)
  2. ぴゅ/pyu Ex. ぴゅぴゅう (pyuupyuu -> rustling)
  3. ぴょ/pyo Ex. ぴょぴょん (pyonpyon -> hopping; skipping)
Task: You shall write ‘ひ ’ 50 - 100 times in your textbook. Memorize the shape, the stroke order, the sound, the pronunciation (echo the sound of the character each time you write it down), etc.
And after you've done that, write ‘は’, and ‘ひ ’ one after each repetitively (は, ひ, は, ひ, は, ひ, etc.) 50 times (100 if you have time).



Tna: Phew. That was a lot for HI lesson. No, not just HI, but also BI, PI, HYA, HYU, HYO, BYA, BYU, BYO, PYA, PYU, PYO... Posted Image I’m dying... Posted Image 

Kaoko: You bet! I thought it would never end Posted Image 

Tna: Yeah Posted Image 

Hinata: Ano... 

Kaoko: Ara? Who are you again? Posted Image 

Hinata: Watashi wa Hyuuga Hinata desu~

Tna: Aha! Perfect person for today’s lesson!

Kaoko: Yeah! Today we learn about ‘HI’ characters so you might fit that perfectly!

Hinata: Ano...dou iu koto?

Tna: ‘Dou iu koto’ tte you don’t know why are you here?

Hinata: Hai. Kakashi-sensei gave me a mission to meet Tna-san and Kaoko-san at Japanese Classroom. Sore wa ijou... (That's all...)

Kaoko: Aa ~ sou. Hinata-chan, could you help us teaching the 'HI' lesson? Since your name begins with 'HI' so...

Hinata: Teaching? Oh, well. What kind of subject should I teach?

Tna: Umm...anything, since it still has something to do with our lesson.

Hinata was thinking for couple of minutes until Kaoko broke the silence.

Kaoko: Can we start it off now, Hinata-san?

Hinata: Oh, hai. Konnichiwa, minna-san! I'm Hyuuga Hinata.

She wrote something on board.

日向(ひゅう が) ヒナタ

Hinata: Hyuu from 'Sun' kanji and 'ga' from 'Mukai (way)' kanji. Actually my name is written on Katakana, but I could also write it in Hiragana, so it becomes...

ヒ ナ タ -> ひ な た

Kaoko: Good job, Hinata-san! Anything else from you?

Hinata: Ano...since I am a ninja, I'll teach them my jutsu, but don't worry, it's still related to the lesson. May I?

Tna: Sure!

Hinata activated her eye technique which is only possessed by Hyuuga Clan.

Hinata: Minna-san! This eye technique is called BYAKUGAN (白眼 -> びゃくがん). Literally meaning 'White Eye' because the kanji is taken from '白 (Shiro -> white)' and '眼 (Me -> eye)'

She wrote them down in a board.

Hinata: This is a special doujutsu (eye technique) which have some abilities. First, Byakugan gives the user a near 360º field of vision, except for one blind spot at the back of the neck. Second, it's able to see through solid objects and can use a degree of telescopic sight. But the greatest ability of Byakugan, it's able to see chakra (energy), chakra flow as well as chakra circulation system inside the body with great detail. But, only those from Hyuuga Clan could possess this jutsu.

All students in classroom listened to her very carefully until someone raised his hands and asked,

Student: Hinata-senpai, could you show us how Byakugan will work when facing another Byakugan user?

Hinata: Ah - hai, chotto. I'll call out Neji-niisan, also from Hyuuga Clan. Then we'll show you when Byakugan meets Byakugan. O-chotto matte kudasai~

Hinata was ready to walk out from the class. But when she opened the door knob...

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Naruto suddenly came and hang on upside down which made Hinata was totally shocked. Her face suddenly reddened.

Hinata: Na-Na-Na-Naruto-kun?

Not too long after she said that, she immediately fell of the ground. Fainted.

Tna, Kaoko: Hinata-san?!

They shook her body, but it seemed she was really fainted.

Tna, Kaoko: N-A-R-U-T-O K-U-N!!! Posted Image 

Naruto: Dame dame dame! Warukattattebayo~~!
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That yellow-haired guy hurriedly ran away, leaving the fainted Hinata and the angry sensei.

1 comment:

  1. Am I the only one who remembers Pikachu-kun with this "ぴかぴか (pika pika -> sparkle; flicker; twinkle)" ? ^^
    BTW I like your lessons very much. They are well-put and easy to understand. Thank you ;)
