Now that we've learnt the vowel and 'K' sections, we are now moving on to 'S' section!

さ, in hiragana, or サ in katakana, is one of the Japanese kana, which each represent one mora. Both represent [sa]. The shapes of these kana originate from 左 and 散, respectively.
Like き, the hiragana character may be written with or without linking the lower line to the rest of the character.
'さ' is romanized 'sa' and pronounced 'sa' as in 'sakura'.
Word beginning with 'さ':
Stroke Order:

The character 'さ' may be combined with a dakuten, changing it into ざ in hiragana, and za in Hepburn romanization. The pronunciation is also changed, to [za]. さ + " (dakuten) = ざ (look below)

Word with 'ざ':
Task: You shall write 'さ' & 'ざ' 50 - 100 times in your textbook. If you want, like with the previous lessons, write 'さ' 70 times and 'ざ' 30 times . Memorize the shape, the stroke order, the sound, the pronunciation (echo the sound of the character each time you write it down), etc.
Good luck!

さ, in hiragana, or サ in katakana, is one of the Japanese kana, which each represent one mora. Both represent [sa]. The shapes of these kana originate from 左 and 散, respectively.
Like き, the hiragana character may be written with or without linking the lower line to the rest of the character.
'さ' is romanized 'sa' and pronounced 'sa' as in 'sakura'.
Word beginning with 'さ':
- 酒 = さけ (sake -> sake [alcohol])
- 猿 = さる (saru -> monkey)
- 桜 = さくら (sakura -> cherry blossom)
- 魚 = さかな (sakana -> fish)
- 寒い = さむい (samui -> cold [adj.])
- 殺人 = さつじん (satsujin -> murder)
Stroke Order:

The character 'さ' may be combined with a dakuten, changing it into ざ in hiragana, and za in Hepburn romanization. The pronunciation is also changed, to [za]. さ + " (dakuten) = ざ (look below)

Word with 'ざ':
- わざわさ (wazawaza -> doing something especially rather than incidentally (wazawaza is more like a phrase))
Task: You shall write 'さ' & 'ざ' 50 - 100 times in your textbook. If you want, like with the previous lessons, write 'さ' 70 times and 'ざ' 30 times . Memorize the shape, the stroke order, the sound, the pronunciation (echo the sound of the character each time you write it down), etc.
Good luck!
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