‘ほ’ is romanized (pronounced) ‘ho’ as in 'hop'.
Words with ‘ほ’:
‘ほ’ at the beginning:
- 星 / ほし (hoshi -> star)
- 微笑む / ほほえむ (hohoemu -> smile)
- 本/ ほん (hon -> hon)
- 細い / ほそい (hosoi -> thin; narrow; slender)
- ほしい (hoshii -> want; will)
‘ほ’ in the middle:
- 阿呆 / あほう(ahou -> fool; stupid)
- 魔法 / まほう (mahou -> wizard; spell)
- 絵本 / えほん (ehon -> picture book)
- 日本 / にほん (nihon -> Japan)
- 台本 / だいほん (daihon -> scenario)
Stroke order:

The character ‘ほ’ may also be combined with a dakuten, changing it into ‘ぼ’ in hiragana, and ‘bo’ in Hepburn romanization. With the dakuten added the pronunciation is changed, to ‘bo’. ほ + " (dakuten) = ぼ (look below)

‘ぼ’ is romanized (pronounced) 'bo' as in 'bob'.
Words with ‘ぼ’:
‘ぼ’ at the beginning:
- 帽子 / ぼうし (boushi -> cap)
- 僕 / ぼく (boku -> I; myself)
- 拇指 / ぼし (boshi -> thumb)
‘ぼ’ in the middle:
- 希望 / きぼう (kibou -> hope)
- 編み棒 / あみぼう (amibou -> knitting needle)
- 赤ん坊 / あかんぼう (akanbou -> baby)
- 曙 / あけぼの (akebono -> dawn)
- 貧乏 / びんぼう (binbou -> poverty)
‘ぼ’ at the end:
- 祖母 / そぼ (sobo -> granny)
- 大規模 / だいきぼ (daikibo -> large)
- えくぼ (ekubo -> dimple)
- 父母 / ふぼ (fubo -> parents; father and mother)
The character ‘ほ’ may also be combined with a handakuten, changing it into ‘ぽ’ in hiragana, and ‘pe’ in Hepburn romanization. Keep it in mind, with the dakuten added the pronunciation is changed, to ‘po’. ほ + o (handakuten) = ぽ (look below)

‘ぽ’ is romanized (pronounced) 'po' as in pop'.
Words with ‘ぽ’:
‘ぽ’ in the middle:
‘ぽ’ at the end:
Note: Hiragana ‘は’ [ha] and ‘ほ’ [ho] may look similiar, and you might mistake between them at times. So please be careful!
Task: You shall write ‘ほ’ 50 - 100 times in your textbook. Memorize the shape, the stroke order, the sound, the pronunciation (echo the sound of the character each time you write them down), etc.
And after you've done that, write ‘は’, ‘ひ’, ‘ふ’, ‘へ’ and ‘ほ’ one after each repetitively (は, ひ, ふ, へ, ほ, は, ひ, ふ, へ, ほ, etc.) 50 times (100 if you have time).
Character of Today’s Lesson!

Hoteye: All that imporant is money... kane! Desu ne!? With money you can do anything! Desu ne!?
Tna: Nani koreeeeeeeeee (what’s this)
! Kaoko-chan, aitsu wa dare (who is that)!? Dou iu koto (what’s the meaning of this)?
Kaoko: Watashi
... nani mo shiranai yo (I... don’t know anything)... zenzen shiranai wa (I really don’t know anything)
Tna: Don’t lie! You are sweating all over! What’s with this...? I left you to look for a guest for HO lesson... yet who is this!? You are suppose to bring a normal person!
Kaoko:...mitsukenakatta... I couldn’t find anyone... beside him... his name is Hoteye, you see...
Tna: Sono namae kita koto nai yo (I’ve never heard any name like that)
Hoteye: Hitsurei ne (how rude)... I came all over here just to get some criticism? Desu ka?! Ai (love)! All you need is LOVE! The most important thing in this world...desu ne

Tna: Nani kore!? He is pissing me off, this guy! There’s a big difference between money and love!
Kaoko: Ochitsuke (calm down), Tna-chan
... Ai...
Kaoko and Hoteye: Desu ne
Tna: ...
‘ぽ’ at the beginning:
- ぽんぽん (ponpon -> pat)
- ぽっくり (pokkuri -> suddenly; abruptly)
- ぽちゃぽちゃ (pochapocha -> chubby; sound of splash water)
‘ぽ’ in the middle:
- 文法 / ぶんぽう (bunpou -> grammar)
- 便法 / べんぽう (benpou -> expendient; handy method)
‘ぽ’ at the end:
- 空っぽ / からっぽ (karappo -> empty; hollow; vacant)
- 散歩 / さんぽ (sanpo -> walk; stroll)
Note: Hiragana ‘は’ [ha] and ‘ほ’ [ho] may look similiar, and you might mistake between them at times. So please be careful!
Task: You shall write ‘ほ’ 50 - 100 times in your textbook. Memorize the shape, the stroke order, the sound, the pronunciation (echo the sound of the character each time you write them down), etc.
And after you've done that, write ‘は’, ‘ひ’, ‘ふ’, ‘へ’ and ‘ほ’ one after each repetitively (は, ひ, ふ, へ, ほ, は, ひ, ふ, へ, ほ, etc.) 50 times (100 if you have time).
Character of Today’s Lesson!

Hoteye: All that imporant is money... kane! Desu ne!? With money you can do anything! Desu ne!?
Tna: Nani koreeeeeeeeee (what’s this)

Kaoko: Watashi

Tna: Don’t lie! You are sweating all over! What’s with this...? I left you to look for a guest for HO lesson... yet who is this!? You are suppose to bring a normal person!
Kaoko:...mitsukenakatta... I couldn’t find anyone... beside him... his name is Hoteye, you see...
Tna: Sono namae kita koto nai yo (I’ve never heard any name like that)

Hoteye: Hitsurei ne (how rude)... I came all over here just to get some criticism? Desu ka?! Ai (love)! All you need is LOVE! The most important thing in this world...desu ne

Tna: Nani kore!? He is pissing me off, this guy! There’s a big difference between money and love!
Kaoko: Ochitsuke (calm down), Tna-chan

Kaoko and Hoteye: Desu ne

Tna: ...

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