‘れ’ is romanized ‘RE’.
Words with ‘れ’:
‘れ’ at the beginning:
- 霊 / れい (rei -> spirit; soul)
- 0 / れい (rei -> zero)
- 歴史 / れきし (rekishi -> history)
- 隷属 / れいぞく (reizoku -> fridge)
- 霊界 / れいかい (reikai -> spiritual world)
‘れ’ in the middle:
- 疲れる / つかれる (tsukareru -> tiring)
- 生まれる / うまれる (umareru -> be born)
- 壊れる / こわれる (kowareru -> be broken)
- 流れる / ながれる (nagareru -> flow)
- きれい / (kirei -> beautiful)
- 彼氏 / かれし (kareshi -> boyfriend)
‘れ’ at the end:
- 誰 / だれ (dare -> who)
- これ (kore -> this (close to you/the speaker))
- あれ (sore -> that (close to the listener))
- それ (are -> that (far from both you and the listener))
- どれ (dore-> which)
- 彼 / かれ (kare -> he)
Stroke order:

Task: You shall write ‘れ’ 50 - 100 times in your textbook. Memorize the shape, the stroke order, the sound, the pronunciation (echo the sound of the character each time you write it down), etc.
And after you are finished with that, write ‘ら’, ‘り’, ‘る’, and ‘れ’ one after each repetitively ( etc.) 50 times (100 if you have time).
Kaoko: For today we have… Tsuruga Ren-san desu!
Ren: Yoroshiku onegaishimasu. (Please take care of me.)
Tna: Tsuruga-san, ashi nagai desu nee. (Tsuruga-san, your legs are really long.)
Ren: Sou? (Really?)
Tna: Kao chiisaai¬ (Your face is so small¬)
Still working on it…
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