‘を’ is romanized ‘wo’, pronounced ‘wo’ as in ‘won’.
It is transliterated variably as <o> or <wo>, with the former being faithful to standard pronunciation but the latter avoiding confusion with お and オ.
‘を’ is mainly used as particle. It is a direct object indicator, and/or identifies the object acted upon. ‘を’ is always seen in between words.
- 彼女はりんごを食べる。(kanojo wa ringo wo taberu. -> She will eat the apple.)
- カオコは汚い御器噛を殺しました。(Kaoko wa kitanai gakikaburi wo koroshimashita. -> Kaoko killed the filthy cockroach.)
- お父さんはお母さんを当った。(otou-san wa okaasan wo atatta. -> Father hit my mother.)
- らめんを食べたい。(Ramen wo tabetai. -> I want to eat ramen.)
It is also an object and verb conjugator. Like the word 電話 (denwa) which means ‘phone’ and the verb する (suru) which means ‘to do’, if you form them together with ‘を’ in the middle: 電話 + を + する = 電話をする (denwa wo suru) -> to phone (someone).
More examples:
- 料理 (ryouri -> cooking) + を (particle wo)+ する (suru -> to do) = 料理をする/りょうりをする (ryouri wo suru -> to cook)
- 勉強 (benkyou -> study) + を (particle wo) + する (suru -> to do) = 勉強をする/べんきょうをする (benkyou wo suru -> to study)
- うんこ (unko -> poop) + を + する (suru -> to do) =うんこをする (unko wo suru -> to poop)
Stroke order:

Task: You shall write ‘を’ 50 - 100 times in your textbook. Memorize the shape, the stroke order, the sound, the pronunciation (echo the sound of the character each time you write it down), etc.
And after you are finished with that, write ‘わ’ and ‘を’ one after each repetitively (etc.) 50 times (100 if you have time).
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